import re import time __author__ = "Andrew Shearer," __version__ = "1.1.1" # URL: # Python-licensed. class W3CDate: """Date parsing and formatting according to RFC 8601, RFC 822, and XML-RPC. Formats from are preferred. Also see . But XML-RPC omits date punctuation and timezones, and clients rely on this. (For example, w.bloggar refuses to recognize dates with dashes.) And RSS's postDate element is completely different, an RFC 822-style date. So this class converts between all three styles. ISO8601 (W3C Date subset): 2003-01-15 2003-01-15T02:30:45 (secs optional) 2003-01-15T02:30:45Z (secs optional) 2003-01-15T02:30:45-05:00 (secs optional) XML-RPC: 20030115 20030115T02:30:45 (secs optional) RFC822: Sun, 02 Feb 2003, 02:30:45 -0500 >>> d = W3CDate() >>> d.parseRFC822("Fri, 15 Nov 2002, 15:44 -0500") >>> d.getRFC822() 'Fri, 15 Nov 2002 15:44:00 -0500' >>> d.getISO8601() '2002-11-15T15:44:00-05:00' >>> d.parseRFC822("Fri, 15 Nov 2002, 15:44 GMT") >>> d.getISO8601() '2002-11-15T15:44:00Z' >>> d.getRFC822() 'Fri, 15 Nov 2002 15:44:00 GMT' >>> d.getXMLRPC() '20021115T15:44:00' >>> d.parse('2003/01/10T08:45:12-05:00') >>> d.getISO8601() '2003-01-10T08:45:12-05:00' >>> d.getRFC822() 'Fri, 10 Jan 2003 08:45:12 -0500' """ datePunctLen = 10 datePunctRE = re.compile(r"^\d\d\d\d\D\d\d\D\d\d") dateNoPunctLen = 8 dateNoPunctRE = re.compile(r"^\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d") timeNoMinutesPunctLen = 6 timeNoMinutesPunctRE = re.compile(r"^[Tt]\d\d\D\d\d") minutesPunctLen = 3 minutesPunctRE = re.compile(r"^[^0-9+-]\d\d") timezoneGMTLen = 1 timezoneGMTRE = re.compile(r"^[Zz]") timezoneOffsetLen = 6 timezoneOffsetRE = re.compile(r"^[+-]\d\d\D\d\d") def __init__(self, text = None): self.dateSecs = None # in GMT self.dateMiniTuple = None # missing weekday, Julian day, DST self.dateFullTuple = None self.timezone = None # None means we don't know; assume local timezone if text: self.parse(text) def parse(self, datestring, ceiling = 0): """Parse an RFC8601 (W3C) or XML-RPC date. """ t = datestring # t holds remaining suffix of datestring, still to be parsed timezone = parseddate = None if ceiling: parsedtime = [23, 59, 59] # +++ doesn't handle leap seconds else: parsedtime = [0, 0, 0] if # extract year-month-day parseddate = (int(t[0:4]),int(t[5:7]),int(t[8:10])) t = t[self.datePunctLen:] elif # extract yearmonthday parseddate = (int(t[0:4]),int(t[4:6]),int(t[6:8])) t = t[self.dateNoPunctLen:] else: raise TypeError, ('invalid date "%s"' % datestring) if len(t) > 0: # more? if # extract hours:minutes parsedtime[0] = int(t[1:3]) parsedtime[1] = int(t[4:6]) t = t[self.timeNoMinutesPunctLen:] if # extract :seconds parsedtime[2] = int(t[1:3]) t = t[self.minutesPunctLen:] if # extract [+-]time:zone timezone = int(t[1:3]) * 3600 + int(t[4:6]) * 60 if t[0] != '-': timezone = -timezone t = t[self.timezoneOffsetLen:] elif # extract Z (meaning GMT) timezone = 0 t = t[self.timezoneGMTLen:] if len(t) > 0: raise TypeError, ('invalid date "%s", at "%s"' % (datestring, t)) if timezone is not None: dst = 0 # no dst correction desired else: dst = -1 # unknown dst; use current local interp. self.dateMiniTuple = (parseddate[0], parseddate[1], parseddate[2], parsedtime[0], parsedtime[1], parsedtime[2], 0, 0, dst) # our tuple isn't complete; it's missing weekday, Julian day, DST self.dateFullTuple = None self.dateSecs = None self.timezone = timezone # for auto timezone, could use time.timezone def parseRFC822(self, datestring): try: from email.Utils import parsedate_tz as parseDateRFC822Tuple except ImportError: from rfc822 import parsedate_tz as parseDateRFC822Tuple miniTupleWithTZ = parseDateRFC822Tuple(datestring) if miniTupleWithTZ is None: raise TypeError, ('invalid date "%s"' % datestring) if miniTupleWithTZ[9] is not None: self.timezone = -miniTupleWithTZ[9] else: self.timezone = None self.dateMiniTuple = miniTupleWithTZ[:9] self.dateFullTuple = None self.dateSecs = None def getISO8601(self): if self.dateMiniTuple is None: self._cacheTuples() result = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', self.dateMiniTuple) if self.timezone is None: pass elif self.timezone == 0: result = result + 'Z' elif self.timezone < 0: result = result + ('+%02d:%02d' % divmod(-self.timezone / 60, 60)) else: result = result + ('-%02d:%02d' % divmod(self.timezone / 60, 60)) return result __str__ = __repr__ = getISO8601 def getXMLRPC(self): if self.dateMiniTuple is None: self._cacheTuples() return time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S', self.dateMiniTuple) def getRFC822(self): if self.dateFullTuple is None: self._cacheTuples() # not strictly intl-compliant, since English should always be used but this will localize # rfc822 module could help here, but it always uses GMT result = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", self.dateFullTuple) if self.timezone is None: # add timezone only if we know it pass elif self.timezone == 0: # GMT result = result + (' GMT') elif self.timezone < 0: # offset result = result + (' +%02d%02d' % divmod(-self.timezone / 60, 60)) else: # offset the other way result = result + (' -%02d%02d' % divmod(self.timezone / 60, 60)) return result def getSeconds(self): if self.dateSecs is None: self._cacheSeconds() return self.dateSecs def getDateTuple(self): if self.dateFullTuple is None: self._cacheTuples() return self.dateFullTuple def setCurrentDate(self): self.dateSecs = time.time() # dateSecs is in GMT self.dateMiniTuple = self.dateFullTuple = time.localtime(self.dateSecs) if self.dateFullTuple[8] == 1 and time.daylight: # in DST, and know DST's offset? self.timezone = time.altzone else: self.timezone = time.timezone def translateToGMT(self): if self.timezone != 0: if self.dateSecs is None: self._cacheSeconds() self.timezone = 0 self.dateMiniTuple = self.dateFullTuple = None def _cacheTuples(self): if self.dateSecs is None: self._cacheSeconds() if self.timezone is None: self.dateFullTuple = self.dateMiniTuple = time.localtime(self.dateSecs) else: self.dateFullTuple = self.dateMiniTuple = time.gmtime(self.dateSecs - self.timezone) def _cacheSeconds(self): if self.dateMiniTuple is None: raise TypeError, "date has not been specified" self.dateSecs = time.mktime(self.dateMiniTuple) # time.mktime's conversion is affected by the local timezone, which we # don't necessarily want (because we may be representing any timezone). # So, correct for the difference between the local timezone and desired # timezone. If no specific timezone is set, we leave things at the local # timezone. if self.timezone is not None: if self.dateMiniTuple[8] != 0 and time.localtime(self.dateSecs)[8] == 1 and time.daylight: self.dateSecs = self.dateSecs - time.altzone else: self.dateSecs = self.dateSecs - time.timezone self.dateSecs = self.dateSecs + self.timezone def _check(self): if self.dateSecs is None: self._cacheSeconds() if self.dateMiniTuple is None: self._cacheTuples() origSecs = self.dateSecs self.dateSecs = None self._cacheSeconds() if int(self.dateSecs) != int(origSecs): print "Error: dateSecs don't match (%f became %f)" % (origSecs, self.dateSecs) origMiniTuple = self.dateMiniTuple self.dateMiniTuple = self.dateFullTuple = None self._cacheTuples() if self.dateMiniTuple != origMiniTuple: print "Error: dateMiniTuples don't match (%s became %s)" % (repr(origMiniTuple), repr(self.dateMiniTuple))