Note: This page requires an active Internet connection at the time templates are applied. If no items appear in the box below, it's likely that you did not have an active Internet connection, or that there was some other problem connecting to the server.
Inside this template_content region is a template_rss region listing the 3 most recent items from SourceForge at the time that templates were last applied. (It has a CSS border around it too, but I've omitted that from the HTML code below for clarity.) The tag is as follows:
<div id="template_rss_count_3_data_sourceforge_template_descriptions"></div>
Read that as "Template system, include an RSS syndicated newsfeed here. Count 3 items out of it, with the data coming from the <link> titled "sourceforge" (see below), and use the per-item template named "descriptions". (This template shows titles and descriptions; you could also use "titles" to show just titles, or "weblogitem" to show everything including dates, which most public newsfeeds don't have.)
There are thousands of RSS newsfeeds available. (Search for "RSS" with your favorite search engine.) Currently, the template system parses RSS 0.91 through 0.94, and version 2.0 formats. In the RSS world, that's every variety except version 1.0, which is significantly different from the others.
The link in the head element of this page tells the system where to find the newsfeed, and it looks like:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="sourceforge"