These files show how to render DirectRSS weblogs to HTML, using either a single RSS 2.0 file, or a multi-file archive in Dave Winer's blogBrowser format.
Currently, the system only supports modifying RSS 2.0 files. Any existing file RSS 2.0 file should work, but the modified XML code looks better if the file has the right namespaces already declared at the top (which is made easiest by starting with the sample files). DirectRSS uses namespaces for the following: the dcterms:modified element, to keep track of modification dates; and radioWeblogPost:id, to keep track of post IDs (though in the absence of this data, it can often guess post ids from permalink anchor names or GUIDs). DirectRSS also supports reading 'content:encoded' and 'dc:date', but it currently writes 'description' and 'pubDate' instead when a post is modified (unless the client re-sends the content:encoded or dc:date tags specifically).
Unicode characters are handled correctly, so as long as you know how to type them, you can use em dashes and curly quotes to your heart's content, no matter what the character encoding of the final HTML page.