Also see the list of articles, none to be taken seriously.

If you’re interested in web development topics, work in the Providence area, and eat food, you’d be perfect for the lunch hour meetup event happening downtown today (Thursday, Nov. 9) at noon. I’ll be filling in for the regular organizer.

For more information and to RSVP, please visit the event’s Meetup page.

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Last month’s Blue Hills hikeJoin us for a (free) hike on Saturday, Sept. 23, with the Appalachian Mountain Club Young Members. ("Young" usually means 20s and 30s, though there’s no hard limit.)

This hike is in the Blue Hills, midway between Boston and Providence. It’s a great area to explore whether or not you have a lot of hiking experience.

See the trip posting for more information and to sign up.

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Beach Ultimate

Every Thursday evening this summer, there’s a pickup Ultimate game at Narragansett Town Beach. This is what yesterday’s game (19 pictures) looked like.

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Catching up on photo collections I’ve posted in the past few weeks:

  • FireworksA 4-day camping trip in the White Mountains with the Appalachian Mountain Club Worcester Young Members, in which we hiked a few mountains, took turns jumping from a ledge into Emerald Pool, and watched the fireworks display at the Mt. Washington Hotel.
  • Blue Hills hikersMy Blue Hills beginner hike, which drew a huge crowd. I took the first 25 to sign up, and could run another trip with the rest.
  • Frank passing disc to SunyaThe RIPUL tournament, where a relatively low-ranked Ultimate frisbee team went to near the top, in spite of my presence on it.
Next up for this weekend:
Sat Aug 19 A Shoe, a Sock, a Rock: Monadnock (C3C) Waitlist
No, the title doesn’t make sense, but it did catch your attention. If you haven’t hiked Monadnock before, give it a try and find out why it’s now the most-hiked mountain in the world. This 4.5-mile loop near the southern border of NH is great for experienced hikers who like the views and beginners who like a challenge. Second in a beginner hike series.
Reg. at L Andrew Shearer. CLs Andrea Hafner, Tim Smith.
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AcadiaSee what Acadia National Park in Maine looks like. I took a trip there a couple of weeks ago with 17 people from the Appalachian Mountain Club Worcester Young Members (an unofficial event). Great biking, trail running, kayaking, and sunrise on Cadillac Mountain—see the pictures. Thanks to everyone involved for a memorable weekend.

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SnowThere was a snowstorm in Providence last December 9. Most people left work early and traffic was backed up for hours, so I took the scenic route, with a camera pointed out the window.

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Providence from the waterI’m co-leading a kayak trip in Providence this Sunday, June 26, with the AMC Narragansett Young Members. If you’d like to sign up, we have available spots and a few kayaks for cheap rental. Since it isn’t a purely flatwater trip, you should be comfortable with sitting in a kayak, but don’t need a lot of experience in order to enjoy it.

You can sign up online.

Trip description:

We’ll spend time enjoying downtown Providence from the river, and also paddle outside the Hurricane Barrier to get a taste of Narragansett Bay. Not literally. L Bev Thomas, CL Andrew Shearer. The route is similar to the one in these pictures.

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fs2svn is a new, free, open-source tool that converts a bunch of archive folders into a Subversion repository.

If you’ve kept a series of historical snapshots of your work in folders, fs2svn can help you upgrade to a full-fledged version control system.

fs2svn goes through all the folders under a given parent folder (in filesystem order) and creates a Subversion revision for each one, backdated to the most recent file’s last modified date. The log message is set to the folder name.

Additions, changes, and deletions between one folder and the next are all recorded in the repository.

The input format is very simple. It only covers the mainline trunk, not any tags or branches (though tags for major versions could be manually created later, if your folder names carry enough information).

The format is so simple it could be used as a common intermediary. If you wanted to migrate a mainline trunk from some exotic version control system to Subversion, you could write a script to export it to regular folders, then use this script to import the result into Subversion.

See the main fs2svn page for information, examples, and to download.

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Congratulations to my father and my brother Rob, who just finished sailing back from Bermuda to Newport in the double-handed leg of the Bermuda 1-2 race. I still don’t know how they placed officially.

(This is the race I’d done the past few times as the crew, with my father as captain, for the double-handed return leg. The inital Newport-to-Bermuda leg is single-handed, so he of course does it alone.)

The first leg involved two emergencies where my father’s boat started filling with water. I still haven’t heard all the details, but it turned out not to be a real leak. For the return leg, one boat was dismasted, but they managed to rig up something to get to shore. No major disasters like the 2003 race, where one boat capsized, and the crew was picked out of the water by a passing cruise ship.

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I had a problem where my scripted FTP uploads through ftplib in Python 2.3 would experience long (6 or 7-second) delays before transferring each file. Other FTP programs were fine, except for a similar delay on connect. It turned out to be an interaction with ftplib’s IPv6 support in Python 2.3 and the Mac OS X name resolver, and it finally appears to be fixed in the recently-released Mac OS X 10.3.8, which noted speed improvements in certain network applications.

In case the delay bites anyone else (or in case it’s not really fixed, and some other network change is just fooling me) here’s the workaround I’ve been using until now.

With IPv6 support in Python 2.3 / Mac OS X 10.3, ftplib’s ntransfer function now calls getaddrinfo for every single file tranferred, and the name resolver does a slow timeout each time. Making a local copy of ftplib and replacing the call to getaddrinfo with constants may be ugly, but it worked around the problem.

Original line (multi-second delay), at line 233:

af, socktype, proto, canon, sa = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0]

Changed line (assumes IPv4 addresses):

af, socktype, proto, canon, sa = (2, 1, 6, '', (host, port))

This change speeds up multi-file FTP transfers immensely (at least to my FTP server) under Mac OS X 10.3.0 through 10.3.7, but early results indicate it’s not necessary on 10.3.8.

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